This title isn't suitable for this blog. I just remembered I'm meant to be doing my Romeo and Juliet essay again. I wont do it. I've re-done all of it apart from the conclusion. Which I'll do tomorrow night hopefully.
I went to lakeside today with Charlie. We left mine at quarter past twelve, and got the train to lakeside. We didn't get their until three o'clock. Our train was delayed and kept getting stuck so we had to swap trains adding on at least an hour and a half
onto the journey. It was torture. Especially the bit where we swapped trains because we sat near some of the biggest 'chimos' I've ever seen. They all h
ad emo black hair with like pink bits in. But one was in black skinny jeans and leather jacket, and another was in trackies! They were listening to stuff like Ndubz and Lil Wayne. Then changing their music to stuff like Slipnot and Breaking Benjamin! It was utterly ridiculous! But I grabbed the nicest caramel hot chocolate before we set off, s
o I was happy.
When we got there we spent hours shopping. But had bought nothing. Then, just as the shops were closing we went into Topshop. And I saw the nicest outfit ever! It was this button up sleeveless shirt with these dark blue cupro shorts. I couldn't find the exact links. But it's as close as I could get. But I was something like 5 pound off or something silly. And I couldn't try them off as the store was about to close. So I put them back. I then walked round and saw this really nice cape top. I
then walked around the shop some more and found the same shirt as before, in a dark red colour. I saw it and fell in love with it even more than the other one! (They don't have it on the website, so I couldn't do a link) I then went in Topman and bought a bracelet set. (which as well I can't find on the website) I'm in love with Topman jewelry at the moment. It's so my style. I like metal looking jewelry. Like, dark colours and stuff. I think my fashions a bit odd at the moment. I can wear so many different things and still call it 'my style'. I wish I'd just make my mind up about things...

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