a lot of things piss me off nowadays. especially little things, but I wont go on, on yet another rant about things.
Third show of the Wizard Of Oz tonight. You're probably bored of me mentioning it. I actually went to this one. Last night I went to the 'green' down the road and had a snow ball fight with a couple of friends instead. That was all good fun, until I froze to death after falling over and getting soaked.
I'm rather anxious about what I put on my blogs now. You see, some of my friends have started to get blogger, and if I follow them. They will obviously read my blog and see all the stuff I write. I don't know why I'm embarrassed. They're probs reading this thinking 'shes talking about me!' I didn't mind the one or two friends who followed me before. It's just other people. hmm... I don't really care. I'm not going to give up blogging, its much to fun:)

Snow some more please? That way I won't have to get up early again in the morning. And be late for school. I don't know why I say I get up early. I get up at like ten to eight. Leave at ten past. And arrive at school just in time. We have Friday off, but one extra day wouldn't hurt? They say its a 'teacher training day'. But everyone knows that's just an excuse so the teachers can go Christmas shopping. And I don't blame them, they should get an annual shopping day or two before Christmas. Teachers deserve a day off... and if that turns into students get a day off, then there's nothing wrong with that either... I just completely went off subject. Never mind.
Anyway, lets hope December brings much more snow than November! and more days off school!

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