Saturday, July 3


cry me out... ♥

is it bad I always forget to blog? Oh well, the only person that reads them is Roza. She'll be happy to see I've done a new blog. She always bugs me about it. The reason I decided to blog was because the song 'cry me out' just came on. Which reminded me of when me and Roza were dancing round my dining room at my mums party. Then my thoughts ran from there. Hope she's happy.

Aw, 'wake me up when september ends' just came on. My friend shai slept round a few weekends ago, and the song came on and she was like 'oh! i love this song! whats it called? when summer comes?' i was like, 'no shai. just, no' but she knew most of the words to it? wierd child. bless her. I just looked through some photo's of me and her running around in my garden getting soaked by some water sprinkler things. How funny :')

Today's been pretty shite. I got up at 10 am ready to have a shower and start sunbathing. But when I got dressed I realised it was a bit to breezy and cloudy out. So I went in very disapointed. And started to re-do my pc. Which failed epically because now I've lost half my music and fucked up my internet. (excuse my french) eugh, speaking of french. I hate my french teacher. To the max. I'm so glad I didn't take french. The other day in french my friend olivia asked a question about 5 times, and it may have been quite a dumb question, but the teacher didn't answer. She just banged her head on the wall, said olivia was hopeless then walked out of class. Everyone was in complete shock. Then when the bitch came back in, I said to her, 'why did you do that? that was so rude!' then she started shouting at me, and sent me up to my year manager. Who then walked me back to lesson and she told me off, but was doing it in a really nice way. How wierd. But then I just sat in lesson giving my teacher the evils. I hate her. She can go die.

My geography teacher is worse though. She's recently had a baby and hasn't come back because of maternity leave. We all prayed she died in child birth. But that the baby survived obviously. Will have to wait until September to see if she's waddling round school again. Hopefully not(yn)

well, i'm off. It's a bit sunnier now. So going to see if I can get rid of my tan lines.

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