'cause baby your a firework...♥
I'm going to get straight to the point and say I basically love every single one of the tops in this link.
I'd cut off the sleeves and wear the top with leggings and a cardie.
I would pick my favourites. but they're all so nice!
shame they're all like £40.
Ahh, if only I was old enough to get a job!
people who have jobs take them for granted. they moan 'cause they have to go to work. but I'd LOVE to be earning money! but i seriously refuse to do a paper round. its basically child labor. i just want a job at a shop or something like that! but i don't know anyone who owns a shop who could hire me at the age of fourteen. it's hard enough trying to get a job round here when your sixteen!
I really do hope I can get a job at a coffee shop or bakery round the corner. Then I'll be happy.

I like this picture! x