Say goodbye, as we dance with the devil tonight... ♥
I've got a bit of an obsession for tattoo's and piercings. I know it sounds crazy being as I've never got a tattoo and I have barely any piercings. But I want so many of them! My parents disagree with everything. They say no to any piercing. And just laugh at me if I mention a tattoo. But they haven't thought about it as deeply as I have. I've wanted my lip pierced for over a year. And think about it, what's a tiny bit of metal going through my mouth going to do? I want it done so badly. And I know its the most overrated saying going, but you really do only live once. And I want to live my life to the fullest I possibly can. I do not want to look back on my life when I'm thirty or so, and think 'why didn't I just go for it? Why couldn't I just grow a pair and do what I wanted'. Because at the end of the day, regretting the things you've done isn't half as bad as regretting the things you didn't. Now just try telling my parents that...
Sorry about this rant. Not really a worth while blog. But I kinda got started and couldn't stop. I tend to do that a lot. I'll explain that to my parents sooner or later. Hopefully they'll see exactly how I feel and give me a bit of sympathy. I just pray to God that if I don't have to go behind their backs.

Or you'll be chucked out :)