i'm the only one, i walk alone... ♥
I'm seriously obsessed with watching the topshop behind the scenes and photoshoot video's. I would link but they're on an app on my phone. I'm sure you can find them on the topshop webiste. But they're so weird and fun to watch. It also gives you a sneak peak at the spring collection. It's gorgeous! The main must haves I would say would have to be a geeky button up shirt and high waisted shorts.
There's these four tops that I've wanted for ages but never bought because I can never find them in stores, and my mums funny about ordering online. The first ones a gorgeous owl top. The second has a print of an explosion on it. The third one is a top with a fire thing on the front. And finally, the horse one. I've done them in order that I like them. Starting with my favourite. They're on sale at the moment. One day I will deffinately buy the owl one. They seem to be in topshops permanant section by a studio designer 'your eyes lie'.
I also want a plain pair of jeans. All the fading and rips are not in fashion at the moment. So I just want a pair of plain jane jeans. I was thinking a pair of vintage leigh jeans. They're so tight though! I tried them on in the shop and it felt like I was just in stiff leggings. I suppose they are really. But I didn't have enough for them and this other top, so I just bought the top.
I'm going to go through the topshop website and add up the stuff I want for summer. Might take a while....