forgetful me... ♥
although I'm constantly on 'blogger' and I always read other peoples blogs. I never actually remember to do my own. I sometimes start blogging but never finish. What I've also found strange about blogging, is i no longer blog in the little 'blog box'. I write it all out on notepad, then copy and paste it on. I think its mainly because I can take up the whole screen instead of that tiny box. But now I don't think i prefer it as my dad recently bought a new computer monitor. I'm not to sure on the actual size of it. I just know its big. Very big. and i can fit 40 words on notepad onto each line. I'm not to sure if i like it or not. Guess I'll have to get used to it though. I've gone a bit of track and I can't remember what I was meant to be blogging about. oh yeah, me forgetting things. How ironic. So, as I was saying... I'm going to try to do more blogs more frequently. There's only one person who really reads them. But she should be happy being as I'm constantly getting told by her to do more blogs.

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