let it snow... <3
As you can see, Southend finally got some snow! This is a picture of my garden.here's not that much snow, only 2 inches or so. But still, it's better than none. I went through out the whole school day without getting hit by a single snow ball. Then, as I was walking home, my friend decided to throw one at the back of his head. I plan to get him back tomorrow.
When I do blogs, I think of loads of stuff to write about. But then, when I get onto notepad I completely forget all my idea's! They end up so boring I bet.
Oh! I remembered one! Tonight, 30 seconds to mars are playing at the O2 arena in London. I was going to go! But the only tickets left were for tonight which is my friends birthday. And no-one else would go with me. They're my all time favourite band. This boy I know is going and all day I've been saying to him I hope he gets snowed in so he can't go. I'm extremely jealous though.
Another show of Wizard Of Oz tonight. I'm so upset that I can't go. I have no way of getting there. Kind of sucks because I was planning to meet people after. Oh well, they'll be other times. I'm off now, going to watch the Boat That Rocked. One of my favourite films ever even if it has really cringy bits. Still hilarious though.