And atmosphere gets crazy life, where every breath transpires... ♥
I got it done in Ireland without my parents permission and I now have been given a list of punishments for doing so. But the main punishments are that I'm grounded until the end of march, and I'm not allowed any going out or clothes money, or sleepover's until my birthday which is in June. So I'll be walking around in jeans and winter clothes when its like 25 degree's out.
But yeah, I had a great time in Ireland. Got some new clothes! I got a black batman logo top which I bought in a huge size and have cut up to make it a bit nicer. I also got the same in a superman version, but I haven't cut it up yet. I also got a vest which I personally love. I also got a top from this Spanish shop called Bershka. I would link the exact item, but the website is in spanish. And I don't understand spanish. I also got a bag from All Saints, but I can't find it on the website. It's just a plain suede satchel thing in a desert grey colour.
I had other stuff to blog about, but I guess I'll have to wait until another time 'cause I've completely forgotten.