LYLMLRS and decided to brush up on a couple of her blogs.
i then got inspiration to blog again. i might redesign my blog a bit. just a few tweeks here and there.
i went shopping yesterday with my mum and auntie. we got quite a few bits and bobs. i was very pleased with the outcome. i got a few bits from various shops; a basic tshirt, some mittens, a hat, jeans, a knitted cardie, genie pants, knitted jumper, skirt, faux leather jacket and some underwear. i wont link all the undies because that would be weird and there was a lot of it. but i did get a really cute bra and kicker set that i just have to link because they're so, well... cute! what did annoy me is that online it says its reduced, but in store i had to pay full price! rip off!
i then got inspiration to blog again. i might redesign my blog a bit. just a few tweeks here and there.
i went shopping yesterday with my mum and auntie. we got quite a few bits and bobs. i was very pleased with the outcome. i got a few bits from various shops; a basic tshirt, some mittens, a hat, jeans, a knitted cardie, genie pants, knitted jumper, skirt, faux leather jacket and some underwear. i wont link all the undies because that would be weird and there was a lot of it. but i did get a really cute bra and kicker set that i just have to link because they're so, well... cute! what did annoy me is that online it says its reduced, but in store i had to pay full price! rip off!
over all i spent just over 300 pound. which as its my whole winter collection, i didn't think was too bad.
my mum cleverly told me to leave topshop until la
st though, and then when we got to it we left it to late and it was shut. i think she did it on purpose. oh well, saved her another hundred pound or so.
when i go shopping i always make the same mistakes. i see something i like. buy it. get home. and find i have nothing to wear it with.
but i've mixed and matched a few bits and bobs. at the moment i'm wearing hareem trousers, black top and my new knitted cardie. i'll probs wear this for rehearsals tomorrow.
eugh, that reminds me. i have to go to bed soon. its half term and i have to get up at half eight to get ready for rehearsals!
oh well, leah's going so it should be fun :)
i've coppied llymlrs idea and made a little 'tag' as you could call it to sign my stuff off with.